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Twice Tempted (Night Prince, #2) - Jeaniene Frost The second book in the Night Prince series continues with JF's sexy-vamps-in-bloody-action style that burns up the pages. The conflict bounces between Leila/Vlad's relationship disputes and the looming threat against Leila. The ranting drama between the H/h drags out a little too long, but as their turmoil builds, so does the flame between them. When it finally bursts, the reunion is an inferno and the embers glow long after. If you thought you loved Vlad before this book, prepare your heart. He burrows deep.However, due to the drawn out reunion of the H/h, you might be tempted to skim through the first half. Another disappoint is the abrupt conclusion. Not a cliff-hanger. The story simply cuts off.But the writing is high quality, the characters deeply developed, and the plot complex. The sex scenes are infrequent and short, but they sizzled--perhaps some of JF's best written. I prefer this series to the most recent books in the Night Huntress series.