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Shadow's Claim - Kresley Cole The first book in the Dacians series (sequel series to Immortals After Dark) is a ghoulish, punkish story with a plethora of otherworld MMA-like ring fighting. Pulpy moments are equally bountiful, which is expected and desired by romance readers. It's the sort of urban fantasy where the females exude attitude like Madonna in the 80's and the men telegraph their dangerous tidings with bulging muscles and superior weaponry. The first 75% winds into a tight coil of demon world doom. It almost drags because all we really care about is the cowardly heroine relinquishing her stubborn hold on her maidenhead. Gah, she's frustrating! She has the gorgeous devoted Prince of Shadows tossing away his life for her, and still she pines for her slutty, self-absorbed BFF. If anyone needs a wooden stake and poisoned goblet in this story, it's her. A sad disappointment considering my chief draw to KC's novels are her fierce and playful heroines. Nevertheless, this romantic fantasy epic succeeds in capturing the gothic imaginative immortal world I fell in love with in the IAD series. The variety and complexity of the tournament fighters with their comic-book like qualities will satisfy any fantasy or action fan. Some of the beloved IAD characters (Nix, Lothaire, Sebina) make guest appearances and you won't fully appreciate them without reading the IAD series first. KC's world-building virtuosity and her originality and style is the best in the genre. And there are enough arousing scenes to win romantic fangsters. This is a promising follow-up to IAD.